
By Monica MArston 21 Sep, 2022
I saved this principle for last because it ties in with all of the previous principles covered so far. I write these posts with the most love and respect. With all of my heart, indeed. So many people do not love themselves. They never had it in their lives. They don't know how to give it to themselves or other people. Honestly, if you're one of those people that don't love yourself, I'm just here to tell you there's a far more significant benefit than loving yourself and treating yourself right. Self-love and self-respect are love more important than any other person give you. Loving yourself and respecting yourself enough to set your boundaries is one of the best things you can do for yourself. If someone makes you feel bad about wanting t to be respected, that person is not for you. Those people are not for you; you need to get away from those relationships immediately! This principle is essential because many people forget to take care of themselves. So if you mix low self-esteem with low self-respect and self-image, it's just the worst concoction ever for a person. So the first step you can take to create a life that is best for you is to start with you! Start off with loving yourself. Start off with doing what you need to do to be happy, and accomplish your goals. Do all the things you set out to do in this lifetime. Don't give up on yourself. That is the best way that you can love yourself. That is the best way that you can take care of yourself. Work on yourself and become the person that you want to be. Just because you love yourself doesn't mean that everybody else is going to. Not everybody's going to like you, and that's okay. You're not going to like everybody, and that's okay too. Don't get caught up in what others think of you and what others want. Do what you like! Just do you, sweetie! The more you do, the more you'll discover who you are and the more actualized your reality. The more in tune you are with yourself, the more your manifestations will appear and come to fruition. Love yourself first means loving yourself enough to set boundaries with others. It means loving yourself enough to feed yourself. It means loving yourself enough to exercise, eat clean, and take your vitamins and everything else that's good for you. Love yourself enough to get past your trauma and out of your head. Deal with the things holding you back, and run towards something that makes you happy and brings you joy. Loving yourself first and consistently embodies everything you can accomplish if you just care for yourself. So just start with that, because once you start with just taking care of yourself and doing the things you need to do for yourself, you will be in a much better position than you were yesterday. Growing slowly and surely, you'll be more successful every day, and eventually, you'll just exceed your own expectations. That is the best part about loving yourself and knowing how to love yourself. Stay tuned to my next blog post. I will begin by going over how to deal with trauma, start loving yourself, get to know yourself, set goals, and take care of yourself. My journey's just beginning, and no matter what, you should just keep growing. Thanks, and we'll talk soon! Click here to donate today.
By Monica Marston 21 Sep, 2022
Even though public education is free in America, so many people still don't know how to read. On top of that, those who know how to read do not elect to read material that will elevate them or teach them. Let's face it. People would rather be entertained than educated. We'll read the subtitles for anime on our social media feeds, but we won't pick up a book and read something that will teach us anything. Everyone wants to live the American dream, but who's committed to working for it? It's a waste for people to not utilize the free resources available to us. It's even more depressing that people don't take the time to develop themselves and grow. I'm here to change this dynamic! Knowledge literally is power. There are so many books that can teach you the skills that you want to learn in life. If you don't know how to acquire these, keep reading for more. Finding your non-fiction inspiration in literature is simple. All you have to do is find what is in tune with what you like. I like a little bit of everything, so I have many learning books for dummies. Like math for dummies, piano for dummies, or travel for dummies. I have at least thirty books at my beck and call in case I want to learn anything new or about a new interest. I also have a journal that I keep. Journal every day, or at least try. I document my progress, feelings, emotions, and what I want to do with my life. It has been scientifically proven that writing down the things you want to do is more likely to happen because you wrote them down. Unfortunately, so many people don't take advantage of these small opportunities in life that elevate our minds. Nobody else is going to work for your dream life. Your success is yours alone. You have to work for it. Whatever you want in life, you have to put in the legwork. Nobody else is going to do it for you. That is the most significant point of this principle in my mission statement. You have to grow, you have to learn, and develop yourself. Mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, or a little bit of all of the above. Instant gratification does not exist. So you can't expect to do one day of self-actualizing and be completely enlightened. It doesn't work like that. The Compound Effect is building up a little bit of energy at a time. That energy compounds over time. Put yourself in the place that you want to be in. The core principle of this blog post is to read, write and develop yourself because everyone deserves to be happy and to do whatever they want in life. Don't be the friend on the sidelines watching people outgrow you. It might be hard to hear, but some people might need to listen to this and if you're one of the people that need to hear this, know that there is always a way out of your rut. I'm even advocating for you! Getting out of the track might take a little work, but there is always a way out. Getting out of your feelings and trauma and putting things into perspective will lead to healing and growth. Don't be afraid to take the first step. You don't want to compete with others and get caught in the rat race. The best thing you can do for yourself is to focus on being better than you were yesterday. That's some of the best advice I've ever gotten, and I'm here to pass it on to you. If that was useful, I want you to stay tuned for my next blog post, which is the last principal in my mission statement, love yourself first and always. See you next week! Click here to donate today.
By Monica Marston 21 Sep, 2022
So many things that are easy in life are not fulfilling, and people have been programmed to believe it's easier to lie than, to tell the truth. In most cases, that is 100% bullshit. You should always tell the truth, and if you ever find yourself in a compromising position where you might be in danger, just don't engage with that individual. Don't put yourself in a dangerous situation ever. We all have a moral responsibility to speak our truth. No one is born a liar or with hatred of other people. These behaviors are learned over time and can easily be replaced with something better. These behaviors are taught, and often they lie in areas where little education and resources are available. The community should be coming together and pulling their help; however, peace is a much more nuanced reality. Certain behaviors are taught and should be eradicated from your life. If they do not serve a purpose towards your greater good in life, are violent, or stem from hatred or toxic relationships, then get rid of them! Dealing with baby mama drama and unhealthy relationships is not elevating. These aren't behaviors that are going to raise your vibrational frequency. These things will not elevate you to the lifestyle you desire. It will keep you trapped, give you anxiety, and make you depressed because negative emotions bring diseases to mind and body. Your perception is your reality; if you only see negative things, you will eventually become negative. You should always defend yourselves, speak your truth, and keep your throat chakra balanced. You shouldn't talk to harm anyone ever, and if you would like to understand why, you should refer back to my article, Do no harm to anyone intentionally or not. It's just not worth it. It's not worth repeating the cycles of trauma that develop when you engage in Risky, triggering behaviors. You should always be cautious of the energy in your aura. You must understand this principle. Always refer back to the Golen Rule. Always defend yourself. I'm a pacifist, so I don't believe in violence I don't feel like there was ever any circumstance in my life that wasn't solved peacefully or amicably. Trauma ends with me. I only use self-defense when needed, and I've never required it yet. Self-defense is for self-preservation only. It's not to harm or cause them but to protect me. It's not worth catching a case over somebody who just stepped on your shoes. Everybody has the right to defend themselves, and I will defend myself to my last breath. I advise everybody else to uphold this fundamental human right. It's not healthy to hold your tongue. Speak your truth! Speak your best truth and defend your core beliefs and values. Then, people will respect you and look at you differently for standing up for your thoughts. This leads me to the next blog post: Read, Write and Develop. Stay tuned for next week. Click here to donate today
By Monica Marston 21 Sep, 2022
So many people daily live their lives in contentment or in a place of complacency. And while it's okay for people to be comfortable, stunting your growth permanently or writing yourself off before trying is highly harmful. Since no one knows everything, we should always be looking to learn and grow. Successful people are always looking for things that will provide them with knowledge because it truly is powerful. Developing an accumulation of knowledge about the world you live in is also considered wealth, and it's imperative to accumulate these things on your own time. Everyone has their own capacity for things. We can use it to talk about anything. Everybody has the capacity to love, everybody has a capacity for the foods they're willing to eat, or everybody has a capacity for their financial literacy knowledge. The list goes on forever because there are so many different ways to categorize what people hold capacities for. The point is that not everybody Understands in the same capacity. The importance behind this fact is that even if you communicate effectively and are an effective Communicator, you're only as effective in communicating with the person you're speaking with if they understand and receive the information you are saying. And a person can only understand on their level of understanding. So you can talk as smoothly as you'd like, but if the person you're talking to doesn't know what you're saying, are you communicating effectively? There are so many reasons why everyone should focus on accumulating knowledge and wealth because knowledge is power. Power is wealth, and wealth runs the world and controls your reality. Wealth keeps families fed for generations. The main point I will make with this blog post this week is that you shouldn't let your fears stop you from growing and finding peace. Stretch your comfort zone as you age. Broadening your perspective in life as you age is essential because there are so many things you need to do and know to live a successful life. We're all trying to figure it out. You should always be looking for more. You should always be looking for the next step, the following answer, the subsequent philosophy, the next thing that will enlighten your mind and raise your vibrational frequency. That is how you grow. That is how you build wealth in life and how you truly become a living, walking manifestation. If you know yourself undoubtedly and are completely honest with yourself, there is not anything you can't do because many people lie to themselves daily. Elevate yourself to the next level. You should continually be growing. Everyone has the right to extend, and everyone has the right to experience life and do all the things they want to do in life. You are in control of your life and in control of your future. It's up to you to do what you need to get where you need to be. This principle is fundamental, and you don't want to burn yourself out. That's why I say exceed your limits safely. Don't overwork yourself, and consistently build your tolerance for your comfort zone. Raise your perspective from specific finite perspectives that you may carry. This takes a lot of self-awareness and self-actualization, so you have to really be self-aware of yourself and if you're one of the people that lie to yourself every day, just think about who you are hurting. The only person that you're hurting is yourself; nobody else cares if you're doing something that you say you're doing. It's up to you to do what you think is best for you. Doing these things will help you grow, and lying to yourself, being in denial, and carrying emotional baggage and trauma is not suitable for growth. So detox your spirit and accept healing into your life! Like and follow for more! And Catch my next blog post about my following principle in my mission statement: Tell the Truth and Defend Yourself. Click here to donate today
By Monica Anderson 04 Sep, 2022
In today’s day and age, there are many stimulating things that can piss us off. Politics, love, people, circumstances, existential dread. Some great words of wisdom were given to me concerning that. Another cup of tea I’ll provide for you is that only you and you alone are in control of your reality. It is up to you to set boundaries with people, eat healthy, exercise, grow in whatever field you want to be working in, etc. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you realize the unlimited power behind this principle. Instead of having external factors stimulating your amygdala, sending you into a rage, you should focus on the things you can control, internally. In short, nothing can make you mad, and strong-minded people understand this. Focus on the factors that you can control, and if it’s something you can’t control, let it be, reflect on it, and heal from it. An impenetrable mind is far more significant than any fortress. There isn’t anything you can’t do with a strong mind. Some strong minds in this decade are Mark Zuckerberg, Beyonce, Elon Musk, and Oprah. These people all have very strong minds, and visions of the lives they desire. They’ve manifested entire careers based on their visions in life, and you can do the same. This starts with a strong mind, and a strong mind starts with control over what makes you angry, and what you give time to in life. This principle is key to understanding when to fight and when to evade. Pick and choose your battles wisely, because it’s what you’re giving energy and life in your life. So if you want to go to college, or start a business, or do something equally great if not greater, then do that! Don’t put energy and effort into aspects that aren’t necessary for you in your life. Period. There are many challenges in life and more times than not there will be people who challenge you and who test you, and make you want to act outside your natural character. Don’t let external sources alter your mind: strong-minded people understand this principle and do not let things (or people) they cannot control bother them. It’s a fight you’ll lose every time you try. So just do you! It’s super important to know when to fight, speak, listen, and let go. Here's an example on the significance. Choose your battles wisely. You have to know if you actually get into a fight, (and I'm not talking about physical fight, I'm talking about any kind of battle) you have to make a choice. You have to realize that all of your choices come with consequences, whether they are good or bad, there are going to be consequences. You have to take responsibility for those consequences. This is why you should always take time to consider your options, and your choices before deciding. You should never make any spontaneous decisions regarding any topic that is important to you. It's okay to be spontaneous in life, but when you're making a choice in life you have to consider it and take into consideration the consequences of it. Does it benefit you? Is it helping or hurting you? Will this lead you to accomplish your goals? Once you consider this, then you'll be fit to make a choice. You should never make any choice out of anger, which is why you should know when to speak. Not everyone is worth your energy. In order to protect yourself and your energy, you have to understand that if someone is not for you, and their energy is not for you, then you do not have to engage in any kind of exchange in energy. Just like if somebody is for you, and you want to speak to them, it is your choice to do so. Know, however, that it is always your choice, and know that your choices will have consequences that you will reap. Decide when to fight and when to speak, and as far as letting go, this goes back to the article I wrote on being happy and forgiving. You have to let go of the trauma in your life; if you don't the only person that's going to be affected directly is you. In return, you're going to affect people indirectly through your own actions and character. Heal your trauma (and it can be any kind of trauma) and let go, release, and leave negative emotions in the past and behind you. A way that you can do that, is just to simply talk about it. Counseling, therapy, group-therapy, even just writing in a diary or journal. That's the best way to get through any kind of trauma. I don't know where I heard it, but I was once told that if you can talk about something without crying, then you're no longer traumatized by it, and it no longer holds any power over you. I truly believe that because I’ve actually experienced it with my childhood trauma. A few years ago, I realized that I can actually talk about my parents and their situation without bursting into tears. and having my day ruined. I realized once I got there, it was such a great feeling, and it was just empowering in and of itself. I felt strong. Another way I was able to heal is that I worked on all of the things that I loved doing. I worked on getting myself to be the person that I wanted to be. I manifested my reality, made them really clear with myself. I was able to create the lifestyle that I wanted based on my feelings. You have to respect yourself first. If you don't respect yourself, and if you don't treat yourself with love and dignity, then you can't expect anybody else to do the same for you. Love yourself first, and respect yourself first. Set boundaries with people, and if those people don't respect your boundaries, then those people are not meant for you in this life. These principles are super, super important to grasping the concept of this principle. Once you understand that, you don't have to fight every battle that comes your way, and life will be easier! Your life and your depression and your anxiety will become significantly lower, and you'll just realize that you only need to handle the business that is sitting right in front of you. Focus on tasks that you can control, which is your job, the company that you keep, the education you receive, thoughts, habits and diets that you feed. Understanding the things that you can control is an important key to this principle, and in life in general. Once you understand the things that you are in control of, you can take full accountability and responsibility of these tasks. Then, and only then, will you be able to fully find all the areas where you can grow in life. That's why this next principle is also super, super important and why I think that this principle is one of my second favorites. Know your limits and exceed them safely, is next week's blog post. Together, we will go over why this is one of the principles in my mission statement and why I feel like others should also implement this principle in their lives. Bye for now! Like and follow for more Click here to donate today!
By Monica Marston 04 Sep, 2022
Hey internet, what's up? This is Monni, and this is just a subtle reminder that it is super important that you should always keep growing, no matter what! Now I understand that life is hard and sometimes it can be easiest to stay in your comfort zone. However, there are so many other things in life that you have yet to experience. I feel like the whole point of life is growth and experience. New things will come into your life at any time, and not all of them will be expected or wanted. Your life is calling, and you haven't even experienced 1% of all that there is to do. Culture yourself and get involved in all kinds of different activities. Not only does this make you a well-rounded individual, but it gives you perspective. I never knew how special it was to have been a person that's actually been to the beach growing up in Los Angeles. I grew up in the hood, but I didn't think that there were people who had never been to the beach at least once in Los Angeles. It's so close, and you can take the bus to the end of Los Angeles. Growing up, there are a lot of people that I met that have never been to the beach, that were born and raised in Los Angeles. Get yourself out there to experience different things. Traveling and going to museums, or taking webinars that are offered on Eventbrite, whatever you like or have an interest in. This is important to really finding out who you are. Not saying that you don't know, but there are a lot of people that don't know themselves, and couldn’t give you a five year plan even if they tried… The best way to get to know yourself is to start doing things you’ve never done before. If you don't know yourself jump right in; if you do know yourself then maybe still try new things to give yourself the perspective that you need in life that develops who you are. It's so easy to become sedentary, stagnant, or complacent in life, but moving forward is essential to survival. What if you lose your job? Or you have a heart attack and become disabled? Do you have a safety net to fall back on? Can you keep living the way you do now, and be fine? Or would you end up homeless, couch surfing, and penniless? Anything could happen you, and this is point of this principle, adapt and grow, never be complacent, because your life can change in a second. You could lose your job tomorrow and unless you have a plan B through Z, then it's going to be hard to pull yourself up from that. The most important part of growing no matter what is understanding that even when you fall down, you're going to get up and you're going to still do great things. The only thing that should stop you from achieving your goals is death. You're going to heal, get better, keep growing no matter what. Survival of the fittest is an expression for this reason because the most fit people in our society are the people who are not only survivalists, but they're the people who are innovative, and think outside of the box. Great people understand that there is no box! You can't think outside of the box if you don't even know half of the stuff that goes in the box. The box is obviously a metaphor. Do you want to be like everyone else, or do you want to be extraordinary? Find the first steps to completing a task you have in mind. Figure out a plan to accomplish it. Finish what you started. Repeat. Find something that you enjoy doing, and that keeps you elevated vibrationally. There's nothing wrong with being comfortable. Be comfortable in the present, but also experience life, travel, and keep learning new things. I remember I saw this one video on YouTube, and I'll try and find it for the sake of this post. The message was for every individual on Earth to die empty, meaning living your life fully up to your potential, so that when you die there is nothing else that you can say that you wish you did on your deathbed. Live life with no regrets! That's why growing no matter what is such an important principle and if you support this and you like it follow me, subscribe, and like for more because I will continue giving enlightening information for you. Coming up in my next blog post, Know when to fight, speak, listen, and let go. Stay tuned and bye for now! Bye for now! Like and follow for more Click here to donate today!
By Monica Marston 04 Sep, 2022
Like Rihanna said in her hit song, you got to work, work, work, work, work, work! The central concept of this principle is that everybody has to work in life. Everyone has to work in their lives, even the people who have trust funds and financial security. People who have trust funds or are well off typically need to meet their parents' expectations. Or whoever left them money. Either way, working on the essential things to you is extremely important to your mental health and wellness. This doesn't mean having a job and working forty hours a week full-time. Everyone is different, and not everyone wants to work a nine to five. I'm talking deeper. Doing what's best for you and aligning your career goals to your interests is the most critical life lesson anyone could learn. Figure out what is best for you and what you like to do the most. If working forty hours a week makes you happy and gives you a sense of purpose, then by all means… find a company that you support and love, then get a job there. And go from there. Maybe take night classes or something else you've wanted to do. Do what it is that you need to do for the goals that you have in your life. Period. Everyone in their life has specific goals that they've set for themselves at one point in time. Whether it was when you were in the third grade, asked what you wanted to be, or when you finally got the high school and started thinking about what you wanted to do career-wise. Whatever those goals were that you set for yourself. However long ago it was, if it's still something that you desire, go for it! Life is constantly changing. You don't have to have one career or interest in your life. Embrace all of the things you want to do. Your whole life is not set in stone. You can always learn new things and experience new things. That's the point of life. Learning, growing, figuring out what you love to do and what makes you the happiest. You should always do what you enjoy because the quality of your life dictates this principle. Do what it is that you want to do. When you figure it out, you can assess and prioritize your goals, which means that you will be able to set short-term and long-term goals that help you get to your overall goals in life. Everybody has their master plan, and if you don't, this is the perfect time for you to make yours! First, envision the lifestyle you want, your dream job, and what you want your future to look like. What kind of life do you want to live? What type of car do you want to drive? Do you want a house? Do you wish for an apartment? Do you want to travel? Whatever you want to do, you have to work for it. That is the point of this blog post! This principle is key to manifesting the lifestyle you wish to because nobody else will do the work for you. If you have a goal in mind for yourself, you have to be the one that goes out into the world and gets it for yourself. Nobody else will do it, so start thinking about your ideal lifestyle if you don't know what your ideal lifestyle is. Take a few minutes, or even weeks, to think about it because this is a significant part of your life. It's your life, now and in the future. If you're already living your best life, by all means, keep growing. But if you're unhappy, this is a movie you should make. If you're at a point where you're not living your best life and feel like you need a transition, like you're missing something, start this today! You can't and won't get where you want to be. If you don't even know what you want to do, you will never really be happy because you don't know yourself. In Tony Robinson's book, Money: Master the Game, there was a fundamental principle that he would ask all of his fans in his seminars. He would ask them how much money do you need to be comfortable to retire. He would ask that question, and people would yell out numbers (high numbers), but the values behind those numbers have to be assessed. His point is that people were asking for millions without knowing precisely what they wanted. You need to write down everything you'd buy with the money and get quotes for the actual prices. Save the number once that is done, then figure out how to get it! Understanding why putting work behind your lifestyle is essential will help you elevate your life and provide you with drive and passion! Everyone needs to find a career in line with their hobbies and passions. Find the areas you are successful in, and make that your path. Stop making excuses as to why you won't follow your dreams. Knowledge is nothing without implementation, so even if you have all the knowledge in the world, if you don't implement it and put it to use, you may as well have not bothered to learn it all. If you don't apply the things you learned, then all of the knowledge you've accumulated doesn't mean anything. PUT IN THE WORK! With that being said, stay tuned for my next blog post, Keep Growing No Matter What, because you mustn't ever find yourself in a stagnant or complacent mindset. Bye for now! Like and follow for more Click here to donate today!
By Monica Masrton 04 Sep, 2022
This blog post is probably one of the most important principles that I support in my life today. Growing up, I noticed how many people kind of stray away from living their lives healthfully because of the trauma and the way they grew up in life. It's not fair, but it's something that we can control in our adult lives, and with the right tools and knowledge, you can live your absolute best life. Even though it's hard at times, it's well worth it, and it will reflect in the quality of your life. Living your life the healthiest, you can decrease your odds of disease, cancers, diabetes, and other conditions exacerbated by a sedentary lifestyle. A lifestyle where you don't work out, all you eat is junk food, you don't have a job that involves manual labor, and you know you don't get a lot of exercise, which is harmful to you and the quality of your life. Anthropologically speaking, people were born to move. We have embedded scientific evidence in our DNA that proves we walk and move a lot. Even though, over time, the jobs that we call work have changed (you know we're no longer hunting and gathering), we're now working in offices and making calls. Physical labor required for a living has decreased over time due to scientific and technological advances. However, humans are made to move! You must move your body consistently and get the exercise to maintain a healthy muscle mass. Additionally, there are all kinds of problems that accumulate with being overweight. Breathing problems affect your entire circulatory system and your respiratory system, and then there are the problems you have with the weight-bearing on your joints. Arthritis can come at an early age, and if you're not taking care of your body or exercising, you'll only feel worse. If you're overweight or obese, you're going to have extra weight on your body, so it's essential to try to exercise and start by getting a little bit in every day. Eventually, your stamina and strength will increase. Once you make it a habit, it'll become second nature to you. Then you'll start to feel great, and you'll have ingratiated exercise and diet into your lifestyle. When I say healthily, I mean it from a well-rounded perspective: I mean have a solid emotional connection, have a support system, have a job, be able to support yourself, and make sure your emotional, physical, and mental needs are taken care of. The healthiest you can live your life would be to surround yourself with the best things for you and practice healthy habits. Getting yourself the things you need to be your best self and doing this in all facets of your life is the best advice I can give you. If singing makes you happy, you need to make sure that you're singing every day. If go-kart racing makes you happy, you need to make sure that you are go-kart racing somewhere every day, even if it's just for a little while. It would be best if you worked on the things that make you happy to live your life the healthiest you want. To do that, you have to be brutally honest with yourself and ask yourself what makes you happy. Once you answer that question, make a list of what you would need to get those things done. Then start your journey! Your life will elevate so quickly because emotional support is also crucial for being healthy. Life is multifaceted, and there isn't any one correct answer. You need physical, emotional, spiritual, and sexual checkups. The bottom line is that you need to do what you need to do to make sure that all of these aspects are healthy and not neglected. So this is why I support this principle; it's in line with all of my other principles because all of these different principles that I believe in are healthy principles. They're also ways that get you to push yourself healthily in all other aspects of your life, which makes it easier to manifest and actualize dreams. If you like this blog post, like and follow for more, and in the next blog post, we'll discuss why it's so essential to work! Everybody has goals that they've set in life for themselves, and in the next post, I will explain why working on those goals is vital for everyone. Bye for now! Like and follow for more Click here to donate today!
By Monica Marston 04 Sep, 2022
It is so important that every day we try and fight against malnutrition in America. Even though there are enough people that can afford to buy food, it's the quality of the food that is the most concerning. Most foods in grocery stores that are not fruits, vegetables, whole grains, produce, or poultry, do not carry very much nutritional value. There is great importance for nutritional value because nutritional value basically means what you're eating and if you are what you eat you have to make sure you're getting all of your vitamins. In the grocery store, most foods don't have substantial nutritional value. They're lacking proteins, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and calcium and they don't have vitamins in them. This blog post is to help people become a little more cognizant of the food that they eat. I'm not telling you to stop eating junk food or eating McDonald's, because everybody is different. If you weren't taught to eat healthy, whole foods, and you weren't taught that junk food is merely what it is called, then you're going to be predisposed to eating whatever you grew up eating. For me, I grew up eating TV dinners and Top Ramen because my parents were poor and we didn't have a lot of money to buy fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I was vegetarian in high school, but my father didn't want to support my choice because it was too expensive allegedly. There are just so many reasons why people don't eat fruits and vegetables, and the propaganda behind that is far less significant than the propaganda behind junk food. I'm hoping to shed light on why people should eat their fruits, vegetables and whole grains. I lived in a food desert, which is basically a lack of grocery stores and access to fresh produce. Additionally there were also a lot of liquor and corner stores. I actually did a project on this topic in High School where I compiled a list and I put on a map of all of the grocery stores in my neighborhood and I compared it to a wealthy neighborhood. The life-changing results were that there were more Whole Foods and Trader Joe's in wealthier neighborhoods in Los Angeles than there were available within a 5 to 10 Mi radius of the little neighborhood that I lived in, which was the hood. That made me realize that there is an imbalance, which is why I say you should take your vitamins! And by take your vitamins, I just mean add more vitamins to your diet and get them in any way you can. You can get a multivitamin from the store you can get a meal replacement supplement. My favorite meal replacement supplement is called KaChava, and it is by far the most effective meal replacement I’ve ever had. It has over 70 different super foods in it; it has probiotics; it has digestive enzymes; it has omega's and all kinds of greatness in two scoops. Try it HERE. Kachava helps me fight malnutrition, because I'm still working on getting rid of junk food myself, because like I said I grew up on Top Ramen and TV dinners. I did not live in a family where we cooked healthy meals every week. We didn't do that, so I'm still learning. The point that I'm trying to convey to you is that you should also work towards eating healthier, because malnutrition is real and it not only leads to diseases but it just doesn't feel good. Fatigue, anxiety, depression, and so many other diseases like cancers can be caused from malnutrition and eating empty calories. It's so important to make sure that you take your vitamins. On my next blog post, I am going to explain why I believe everyone should try and live their life the healthiest that they can. If you like the information provided now, please continue to rock with me, and please continue reading my posts, watching my videos and supporting my cause on my website. I would really appreciate it. Bye for now! Like and follow for more Click here to donate today!
By Monica Marston 25 Aug, 2022
Living in America with food being genetically modified to a certain extent and being outlawed in other countries, it is super important that you practice yoga, meditation, and exercise daily. These practices, these disciplinary acts as not only training and conditioning for your body, mind, and spirit, but they determine your flexibility and elasticity mentally and physically. They also are extremely contributive to being life extenders. It is proven scientifically that people who do yoga, practice meditation, and exercise live longer. Yoga helps you focus on your breathing; and your breathing is related to your health as well. Every part of your body needs oxygen, so breathing problems and inconsistent breathing patterns can very well be a problem! It's believed in all kinds of meditative practices, all kinds of health, and holistic studies. You're breathing is seriously connected to many different health outcomes and many different possibilities in your life. You can avoid diseases to a certain extent by living a healthy lifestyle. Period. There are even breathing exercises that you can do to unlock your chakras and put you in sort of a hypnotic meditative state. Meditation is actually very important because breathing goes hand-in-hand with yoga and exercise. If you practice meditation, and you practice breathing consciously diaphragmatic breathing, you will be successful and you will go further in life with your yoga and exercise. This will increase your mood, clear your mind and change your life! You can start by just focusing on your breathing. Remind yourself to breathe daily through your diaphragm and just doing that alone will change the quality of your breathing in the quality of the oxygen that goes through your body. Additionally once you get the breathing down, your yoga and exercise will become so much more fluid, and you will be able to do things so much more fluidly because your breath will be in sync and connected to your body. A bit more consciously, if you take the time to focus on your breathing, everyone knows that breathing is important for exercise and stretching. It’s very important to know, exercise is one-third of your overall fitness. Flexibility and nutrition are the other two-thirds. Balance flexibility and cardio exercise to manage the two-thirds of your Fitness that actually require working out and moving your body. Take care of your body, because no one else is going to do it. No one else is going to force you to drink your water; no one else is going to make you exercise; no one else is going to tell you to stretch so you don't get cramps in the middle of the day; no one's going to tell you to do any of these things. Do them yourself so you can take care of yourself. If you take care of yourself, then you will help yourself in the long run. You’ll be naturally fighting depression and anxiety, you'll be less insecure, and your self-esteem will be higher because you'll feel good about the way you look and feel good too. You'll begin to feel good from exercising and stretching, get your exercise in! Even if it's just ten minutes a day starting off; you can grow from there. Once you get stronger, you can work your way up and become the best athlete that you can be. This is a really important part of my principle because not only does exercise and yoga condition the body, but meditation conditions your mind. It places you in a mindset where you can practically visualize and assess your own reality. The thing that is so powerful about this concept is that you can make your reality whatever you want it to be. Sit down and visualize what you want that reality to be. Take five minutes. One more step to just go out there and get that reality you want in life! And get what you need to make your reality come true. I follow this principle to a T. In my next post, we will go into why it's important to Take Your Vitamins! I'm not just talking pills or prescriptions either. Bye for now! Like and follow for more Click here to donate today!
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